“FODER-Volunteer Meeting” of February was held

As the Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association, in FODER-Volunteer Meeting event that we held in the first week of each month, we met with our volunteers at Akmerkez YLZ on 3 February 2016.
After a pleasant conversation with our volunteers, a presentation on Financial Inclusion Statistics from the World was made. The subjects of what financial inclusion is, what the sources of financial access are, how the situation is in our region, what are the principles of financial inclusion were addressed.


What is Financial Inclusion?
It is possible to define financial inclusion as the easy use and access to affordable, high quality to financial services.
The World Bank’s Global Findex survey shows that financial inclusion has increased worldwide. However, apart from this increase, the inequalities still continues between men/women, and high/low incomes in terms of financial inclusion. According to the financial literacy index of TEB which is one of our corporate members, 80% of consumers are investigating before they purchase the goods, 70% of them are paying their bills on time, 48% of them are following their personal financial situation closely, 36% of them are setting long-term targets, 55% of them are planning the budget of their houses, 30% of them made investments last year.



The meeting ended with an exchange of ideas and suggestions provided on what could be done more in order to become an advanced country in the field of ​​financial literacy and financial inclusion.

We would like to thank all the volunteers who participated and who could not participate but showed their interests even though they cannot be together with FODER. We wish to be together again in the next FODER – Volunteer Meeting event, with wider participation…

You can find the pdf file of the presentation from here.