Prof. Dr. Annamaria Lusardi made a conversation with FODER Members on Financial Literacy

We held the first session of Financial Literacy Conversation and Discussion Meetings on 28 October 2014 Tuesday, with the participation of one of the world’s leading experts on financial literacy Professor Dr. Annamaria Lusardi as guest speaker and with the participation of our members only.

As having pioneering activities in the field of financial literacy and financial education, Prof. Dr. Annamaria Lusardi is the Academic Head of the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center and works at the George Washington School of Business.
Messages of the meeting are:

  • To be productive in today’s society, being financially literate is necessary.
  • Not only one type of solution, but also specific solutions to different groups of society should be produced in financial literacy education.
  • To focus on conducting trainings on important stages of life, such as employment and retirement is necessary.
  • Even a three-minute financial literacy video can have huge effects.