FODER Continues to Provide Financial Literacy Trainings to Young People

Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association, with its "Young People are Becoming Self Aware of Their Budgets" project, provided financial literacy trainings at Etiler Anatolian High School to about 350 students and then at Etiler Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (Etiler Hotel Management and Tourism Vocational High School) to 200 students on 21 May Thursday, within the scope of 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day.

Financial Literacy and Inclusion Association, with its "Young People Are Becoming Self Aware of Their Budgets" project, provided financial literacy trainings at Etiler Anatolian High School to about 350 students and then at Etiler Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School (Etiler Hotel Management and Tourism Vocational High School) to 200 students on 21 May Thursday, within the scope of 19 May Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day.

Serkan Yazıcıoğlu, Deputy General Manager of the Interbank Card Center-BKM, informed the students about BKM, BKM Express's mobile application and how to make the money transactions possible anywhere by using the mobile application. He helped one of the students in the training to send money with only phone number information in less than a minute. The Interbank Card Center presented Ipads to the school administrators as a gift to be provided to the top five hardworking students in both schools.

By FODER's Secretary General Yasemin Demirdağ, a presentation was made on how financial literacy trainings are provided within the scope of "Young People are Becoming Self Aware of Their Budgets", and on the basic financial concepts such as demand, need, fund, savings and budget. It was aimed to enable young people to use their current resources effectively and accurately, to adopt making savings as a target and habit.
